Nonviolent Resistance
NVR stands for nonviolent resistance. It is an approach that Gandhi and Mandela used during their socio-political movements. It has been developed into a parenting technique by Haim Omer that I believe should be embraced in the whole of parenting, or it can be used simply to focus on ‘challenging behaviour’.
NVR consists of 9 pillars that work together and stem out of the main core that we call 'Parental Presence'.
NVR is relationship based at its centre. By the parent/carer building strong connection with their child/ren and becoming a firm and secure anchor we see the parent/carer becoming more empowered, positive, safer and stronger in their child/teens life. This produces effective results.
Parents and carers use these 9 pillars instead of the 'behaviour management' parenting techniques (i.e. reward and consequence, time out, etc.)
NVR works really well with all children/teens, including aggression, violence and controlling behaviours.
NVR is also brilliant in conjunction with attachment theory. We will look at attachment and also understanding brain development during the program or sessions.